Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him.
Revelation 1:7
Words: Samuel Stennett, in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors, by John Rippon (London: 1787), number 578.
Music: Waits’ Song English traditional tune (🔊
Alternate Tune:
He comes! He comes! to judge the world,
Aloud th’archangel cries!
While thunders roll from pole to pole,
And lightnings cleave the skies.
Th’affrighted nations hear the sound,
And upward lift their eyes;
The slumbering tenants of the ground
In living armies rise.
Amid the shouts of numerous friends,
Of hosts divinely bright,
The Judge in solemn pomp descends,
Arrayed in robes of light.
His head and hairs are white as snow,
His eyes a fiery flame,
A radiant crown adorns His brow,
And Jesus is His name.
Writ on His thigh His name appears,
And scars His victories tell:
Lo! in His hand the Conqueror bears
The keys of death and hell.
So He ascends the judgment seat,
And, at His dread command,
Myriads of creatures round His feet
In solemn silence stand.
Princes and peasants here expect
Their last, their righteous doom;
The men who dared His grace reject,
And they who dared presume.
Depart, ye sons of vice and sin,
The injured Jesus cries!
While the long kindling wrath within
Flashes from both His eyes.
And now, in words divinely sweet,
With rapture in His face,
Aloud His sacred lips repeat
The sentence of His grace:
Well done, my good and faithful sons,
The children of My love!
Receive the scepters, crowns and thrones
Prepared for you above.