Scripture Verse

The dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17


Thoro Harris (1874–1955)

Words: Tho­ro Har­ris, 1916.

Music: Li­li­uo­ka­la­ni, Tho­ro Har­ris. Adapt­ed from Alo­ha Oe, by Queen Li­li­uo­ka­la­ni of Ha­wa­ii (🔊 pdf nwc).

Queen Liliuokalani (1838–1917)


In these, the clos­ing days of time,
What joy the glo­ri­ous hope af­fords,
That soon—O won­drous truth sub­lime!
He shall reign, King of kings and Lord of lords.


He’s com­ing soon, He’s com­ing soon;
With joy we wel­come His re­turn­ing;
It may be morn, it may be night or noon—
We know He’s com­ing soon.

The signs around—in earth and air,
Or paint­ed on the star­lit sky,
God’s faith­ful wit­ness­es—de­clare
That the com­ing of the Sav­ior draw­eth nigh.


The dead in Christ who ’neath us lie,
In count­less num­bers, all shall rise
When through the por­tals of the sky
He shall come to pre­pare our pa­ra­dise.


And we, who liv­ing, yet re­main,
Caught up, shall meet our faith­ful Lord;
This hope we cher­ish not in vain,
But we com­fort one an­oth­er by this word.
