Scripture Verse

He is risen, as He said. Matthew 28:6


Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958)

Words: Er­ic Schu­mach­er, 2004.

Music: Lasst uns er­freu­en Auss­er­le­se­ne ca­thol­ische geist­liche Kirch­en­ge­säng (Co­logne, Ger­ma­ny: Pe­ter von Bra­chel, 1623). Har­mo­ny by Ralph Vaugh­an Will­iams in The Eng­lish Hym­nal (Lon­don: Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1906), num­ber 519 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Eric Schumacher (1976–)


O trumpet sound a vict’ry call!
And tongues pro­claim good news for all:
He is ris­en! He is ris­en!
O! Let a thousand hymns break forth,
Proclaiming our Re­deem­er’s worth!


Give Him glo­ry! Give Him glo­ry!
He is ris­en! He is ris­en! Hallelujah!

He who was slain on our behalf,
Suff’ring beneath His Fa­ther’s wrath:
He is ris­en! He is ris­en!
He who was hung upon the tree,
Rose from the tomb in vic­to­ry!


O Chris­tian, are you filled with gloom?
Then look inside the empty tomb!
He is ris­en! He is ris­en!
Here there is hope for ev’ry fear!
Here there is joy for ev’ry tear!


O! Let the nations sing the fame
Of Christ the Lamb who once was slain!
He is ris­en! He is ris­en!
Now we await the coming day,
When all those raised in Christ will say:
