Scripture Verse

Heirs of the kingdom which He hath promised to them that love Him. James 2:5


Words: Ano­ny­mous.

Music: Rod­man Lo­well Ma­son (1792–1872) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Heir of the king­dom, O why dost thou slum­ber?
Why art thou sleep­ing so near thy blest home?
Wake thee, arouse thee, and gird on thine ar­mor,
Speed, for the mo­ments are hur­ry­ing on.

Heir of the king­dom, say, why dost thou lin­ger?
How canst thou tar­ry in sight of the prize?
Up, and adorn thee, the Sav­ior is com­ing;
Haste to re­ceive Him des­cend­ing the skies.

Earth’s migh­ty nations, in strife and com­mo­tion,
Tremble with ter­ror, and sink in dis­may;
Listen, ’tis naught but the cha­ri­ot’s loud rumb­ling;
Heir of the king­dom, no long­er de­lay.

Stay not, O stay not, for earth’s vain al­lure­ments!
See how its glo­ry is pass­ing away;
Break the strong fet­ters
The foe hath bound o’er thee;
Heir of the king­dom, turn, turn thee away.

Keep the eye sin­gle, the head up­ward lift­ed;
Watch for the glo­ry of earth’s com­ing king;
Lo! o’er the mount­ain tops light is now break­ing;
Heirs of the king­dom, re­joice ye and sing.