I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:3
Words & Music: Peter P. Bilhorn, The Century Gospel Songs (Chicago, Illinois: Bilhorn Brothers, 1901), number 72, alt. (🔊
Saved by grace, oh, wonderful story,
Jesus the Savior has come from on high;
Saved by grace, an heir to His glory,
I shall inherit it by and by.
Saved by grace, oh, wonderful story,
Sing it o’er and over again;
Saved by grace, oh, tell of His glory;
Jesus is coming, coming again.
Saved by grace, and justified freely,
Jesus the Crucified rose from the grave;
Saved by grace, oh, marvelous dealing,
Life everlasting to me He gave.
Saved by grace, and sanctified thro’ Him,
Christ the Ascended now pleads for His own;
Saved by grace, I sing hallelujah!
I shall behold Him upon His throne.
Saved by grace, oh, blessèd salvation,
Christ the Redeemer is coming again;
Saved by grace, oh, glorious station,
Jesus is coming, He comes to reign.