He which testifieth these things saith,
Revelation 22:20Surely I come quickly.
Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Words: Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope, second series (London: James Nisbet, 1861), pages 91–94, alt.
Music: Adoration (Doane) W. Howard Doane, 1883 (🔊
He is coming, and the tidings
Now are rolling wide and far,
As the light flows out in gladness,
From yon bright and morning-star.
He is coming; and the tidings
Sweep throughout the willing air,
With the hope that ends forever
Time’s dark ages of despair.
See the earth from dreams and slumber
Rouse itself to say, Amen
Land and ocean bid Him welcome,
Flood and forest join the strain.
He is coming, and the mountains
Of Judea ring again;
See Jerusalem awaken,
Rise and shout her glad Amen.
He is coming; wastes of Horeb,
Now awaken and rejoice!
Hills of Moab, cliffs of Edom,
Lift the too long silent voice!
He is coming, sea of Sodom,
Come to heal thy leprous brine,
To return thy palm and myrtle,
Olive’s fruit and joyous vine.
He is coming, blighted Carmel,
To restore thy olive bowers;
He is coming, faded Sharon,
To give back thee all thy flowers.
Sons of Gentile-trodden Judah,
Waken and behold: He comes!
Long so landless, kingless exiles,
Go and seek your long lost homes.
Back to deep and ancient valleys
Which your fathers loved so well,
In their now long crumbled cities
Let their children’s children dwell.
Drain the last drop of the wormwood
From your nation’s bitter cup;
’Tis the bitterest, but the latest,
Now make haste and drink it up.
For He comes, thy true Messiah,
Thine anointed royal king;
See Him come, in love and glory:
For thee endless joy He brings.
Yes, thy mighty king is coming,
Putting end to woes and wrongs;
Giving joy in place of mourning,
Turning all thy sighs to songs.
Now are dried the tears of ages:
Now you wear, as once of old,
Heav’nly diadem of beauty,
Precious crown of purest gold.
He has lifted thee from sadness,
Set thee on the highest throne,
As Messiah’s chosen nation,
Blessèd, best belovèd one.
Wipe the stain and dust of exile
From thy worn and weary feet;
Come with songs of glorious triumph,
Come thy Savior now to greet.