Scripture Verse

Sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy, for I am holy. Leviticus 11:44


Adoniram J. Gordon

Words: Ado­ni­ram J. Gor­don, cir­ca 1894.

Music: Brink Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner, 1894 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Daniel Towner (1850–1919)


Help me to be ho­ly, O Fa­ther of light;
Guilt-burdened and low­ly, I bow in Thy sight;
How shall a stained con­sci­ence dare gaze on Thy face,
E’en though in Thy pre­sence Thou grant me a place?

Help me to be ho­ly, O Sav­ior di­vine;
Why con­quer so low­ly this na­ture of mine?
Stamp deep­ly Thy like­ness where Sa­tan’s has been;
Expel with Thy bright­ness my dark­ness and sin!

Help me to be ho­ly, O Spir­it di­vine;
Come, sanc­ti­fy whol­ly this tem­ple of Thine;
Now cast out each id­ol, here set up Thy throne.
Reign, reign with­out ri­val, su­preme and alone!