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Scripture Verse

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8


Johann Rist (1607–1667)

Words: Jo­hann Rist, 1642, cen­to (Hilf, Herr Je­su, lass ge­ling­en). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ca­the­rine Wink­worth, 1863.

Music: Ich ster­be täg­lich ma­nu­script from the mu­ni­ci­pal lib­ra­ry in Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny, 1756 (🔊 ).

Catherine Winkworth


Help us, O Lord! Be­hold, we en­ter
Upon an­oth­er year to­day;
In Thee our hopes and thoughts now cen­ter,
Renew our cour­age for the way.
New life, new strength, new hap­pi­ness,
We ask of Thee—oh, hear and bless!

May ev­ery plan and un­der­tak­ing
This year be all be­gun with Thee;
When I am sleep­ing or am wak­ing,
Still let me know Thou art with me.
Abroad do Thou my foot­steps guide,
At home be ev­er at my side.

Be this a time of grace and par­don.
Thy rod I take with will­ing mind,
But suf­fer naught my heart to hard­en;
Oh, let me then Thy mer­cy find!
In Thee alone, my God, I live;
Thou on­ly canst my sins for­give.

And may this year to me be ho­ly;
Thy grace so fill my ev­ery thought
That all my life be pure and low­ly
And truth­ful, as a Chris­tian’s ought.
So make me while yet dwell­ing here
Pious and blest from year to year.

Jesus, be with me and pro­tect me;
Jesus, my plans and hopes in­spire;
Jesus, from tempt­ing thoughts pro­tect me;
Jesus, be all my heart’s de­sire;
Jesus, be in my thoughts all day
Nor suf­fer me to fall away!

And grant, Lord, when the year is ov­er,
That it for me in peace may close;
In all things care for me and co­ver
My head in time of fear and woes.
So may I, when my years are gone,
Appear with joy be­fore Thy throne.