Scripture Verse

His children shall have a place of refuge. Proverbs 14:26


George Martin (1844–1916)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Hymns and Spir­it­ual Songs, 1707–09, Book 2, num­ber 4. Sal­va­tion in the cross.

Music: King of Kings George C. Mar­tin (1844–1916) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


Here at Thy cross, my dy­ing God,
I lay my soul be­neath Thy love,
Beneath the drop­pings of Thy blood,
Jesus! nor shall it e’er re­move.

Not all that ty­rants think or say,
With rage and light­ning in their eyes,
Nor hell shall fright my heart away,
Should hell with all its le­gions rise.

Should worlds con­spire to drive me then­ce,
Moveless and firm this heart should lie;
Resolved (for that’s my last de­fense)
If I must perish, there to die.

But speak, my Lord, and calm my fear;
Am I not safe be­neath Thy shade?
Thy ven­geance will not strike me here,
Nor Sa­tan dares my soul in­vade.

Yes, I’m se­cure be­neath Thy blood,
And all my foes shall lose their aim;
Hosanna to my dy­ing God;
And my best hon­ors to His name.