Scripture Verse

Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Matthew 24:42


Words & Mu­sic: Frank­lin L. Ei­land, 1905 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Ei­land,

Franklin L. Eiland


O would you be num­bered as one of His fold?
Be spot­less with­in;
Be watch­ing and wait­ing that sight to be­hold,
He’s com­ing again!


He’s com­ing again! He’s com­ing again!
Be watch­ing and wait­ing that sight to be­hold;
He’s com­ing again!

Not known is the mo­ment when He shall ap­pear,
To ga­ther them in;
The souls who have fol­lowed Him faith­ful­ly here;
He’s com­ing again!


The voice of His Spir­it says, rea­dy, then be,
O will you be­gin?
If peace in His pre­sence you hope then to see;
He’s com­ing again!


Risk not, an ac­cept­ance of Him in that day,
All co­vered with sin,
Be robed and all rea­dy, the Spir­it doth say,
He’s com­ing again!
