Scripture Verse

If you say, The Lord is my refuge, and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. Psalm 91:9–10


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. Safe­ty in pub­lic dis­eas­es and dan­gers.

Music: St. John’s High­lands, ano­ny­mous (🔊 pdf nwc).


He that hath made his re­fuge God
Shall find a most se­cure abode;
Shall walk all day be­neath His shade,
And there at night shall rest his head.

Then will I say, My God, Thy pow­er
Shall be my fort­ress and my tow­er;
I, that am formed of fee­ble dust,
Make Thine al­migh­ty arm my trust.

Thrice happy man! Thy mak­er’s care
Shall keep thee from the fowl­er’s snare,
Satan, the fowl­er, who be­trays
Unguarded souls a thou­sand ways.

Just as a hen pro­tects her brood
From birds of prey that seek their blood
Under her fea­thers, so the Lord
Makes His own arm His peo­ple’s guard.

If burn­ing beams of noon con­spire
To dart a pes­ti­len­tial fire,
God is their life; His wings are spread
To shield them with a health­ful shade.

If vapors with ma­lig­nant breath
Rise thick, and scat­ter mid­night death,
Israel is safe; the poi­soned air
Grows pure, if Is­ra­el’s God be there.

What though a thou­sand at thy side,
At thy right hand ten thou­sand died,
Thy God His chos­en peo­ple saves
Amongst the dead, amidst the graves.

So when He sent His an­gel down
To make His wrath in Egypt known,
And slew their sons, His care­ful eye
Passed all the doors of Ja­cob by.

But if the fire, or plague, or sword,
Receive com­mis­sion from the Lord
To strike His saints among the rest,
Their ve­ry pains and deaths are blest.

The sword, the pes­ti­lence or fire,
Shall but ful­fill their best de­sire;
From sins and sor­rows set them free,
And bring Thy child­ren, Lord, to Thee.