Scripture Verse

His banner over me was love. Song of Solomon 2:4


Helen Lemmel (1863–1961)

Words & Mu­sic: Hel­en H. Lem­mel, 1922 (🔊 pdf nwc).


We are child­ren of the King,
And His prais­es we will sing,
As we jour­ney to our home ab­ove—
His ban­ner ov­er us is love!


Marching! March­ing!
With hap­py hearts we on­ward move;
No foe we fear, with our cap­tain near—
His ban­ner ov­er us is love!

He, the glo­ri­ous Son of God,
Hath the way be­fore us trod;
Over ev­ery foe we’ll con­quer­or prove—
His ban­ner ov­er us is love!


Fearless in our lead­er’s might,
Strong to do and dare the right;
We will jour­ney to our home ab­ove—
His ban­ner ov­er us is love!
