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Scripture Verse

Thou art my hiding place. Psalm 32:7


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Good as Gold, by Ro­bert Low­ry & W. How­ard Doane (New York: Big­low & Main, 1880).

Music: Ro­bert Low­ry (🔊 ).

Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)


In Thy cleft, O Rock of Ages, hide Thou me!
When the fit­ful tem­pest rag­es, hide Thou me!
Where no mor­tal arm can sev­er
From my heart Thy love for­ev­er,
Hide me, O Thou Rock of Ag­es, safe in Thee!

From the snare of sin­ful plea­sure, hide Thou me!
Thou, my soul’s eter­nal trea­sure, hide Thou me!
When the world its pow­er is wield­ing,
And my heart is al­most yield­ing,
Hide me, O Thou Rock of Ag­es, safe in Thee!

In the lone­ly night of sor­row, hide Thou me!
Till in glo­ry dawns the mor­row, hide Thou me!
When we’re near­ing Jor­dan’s bil­low,
Let Thy bo­som be my pil­low;
Hide me, O Thou Rock of Ag­es, safe in Thee!