Scripture Verse

My grace is sufficient for thee. 2 Corinthians 12:9


Charles H. Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words & Mu­sic: Charles H. Ga­bri­el, 1904 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Gladly the will of my Lord I ob­ey;
He is my keep­er from day un­to day;
He is my guide, and He know­eth the way,
His grace is suf­fi­cient for me.


His grace is suf­fi­cient for me,
His grace is suf­fi­cient for me;
Then why should I fear, with a Sav­ior so dear?
His grace is suf­fi­cient for me.

Not ov­er things of the world will I grieve;
All that He sends I will glad­ly re­ceive,
Satisfied just to look up and be­lieve,
His grace is suf­fi­cient for me.


Tho’ I may see but one step at a time,
As up the path­way to glo­ry I climb,
Yet I be­lieve in the pro­mise divine,
His grace is suf­fi­cient for me.


Living, I’ll serve Him wher­ev­er I go,
E’en tho’ it be where the dark wa­ters flow;
Dying, I’ll praise Him, for well I do know,
His grace is suf­fi­cient for me.


When I shall stand face to face with my king,
Still to the word of His pro­mise I’ll cling,
And with the ran­somed for­ev­er I’ll sing—
His grace is suf­fi­cient for me.
