Scripture Verse

The love of Christ, which passeth knowledge. Ephesians 3:19


Alfred Ackley (1887–1960)

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Words & Mu­sic: Al­fred H. Ack­ley, 1910. Pub­lished in Great Re­vi­val Hymns No. 2, ed­it­ed by Ho­mer A. Ro­de­hea­ver & Bent­ley D. Ack­ley (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois & Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Ro­de­hea­ver Com­pa­ny, 1913), num­ber 95 (🔊 pdf nwc).


The love of the Christ is so pre­cious,
That no mor­tal its wealth can un­fold;
His grace is a store­house of rich­es to me,
His love is far bet­ter than gold.


His love is far bet­ter than gold,
Its full­ness can ne­ver be told;
It makes me an heir to the man­sions above,
For His love is far bet­ter than gold.

He meets ev­ery need with the pro­mise,
No good thing from His own to with­hold;
So daily I trust in the Cru­ci­fied One
His love is far bet­ter than gold.


My heart ev­er yearns with a long­ing,
To be­hold the great joy of my soul,
Forever to dwell in the pre­sence of Him,
Whose love is far bet­ter than gold.
