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Scripture Verse

The Lord hath made all things. Proverbs 16:4


Robert G. Cullinan (1937–)

Words: R. Mi­chael Cul­li­nan, 1996.

Music: Love Di­vine (Stain­er) John Stain­er, 1889 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

John Stainer (1840–1901)


Holy Fa­ther, God al­migh­ty,
Holy Jes­us, God ad­ored,
Holy Spir­it, God of com­fort,
Holy, ho­ly, ho­ly Lord!
All our prais­es rise be­fore You,
God who made all that ex­ists.
As You did with an­cient of­fer­ings,
Send Your Spir­it on our gifts.

You gave us Your bo­dy, Je­sus,
On the night You were be­trayed—
Bread of heav­en, earth­ly feast­ing—
Sacrifice for sins now paid.
And You gave Your blood to nour­ish
Body, spir­it and the soul—
Cup of bless­ing that did heal us—
Liquid that did make us whole.

We re­call Your in­car­na­tion!
We re­call Your earth­ly life!
We re­call Your cru­ci­fix­ion
Full of ago­ny and strife!
We recall Your re­sur­rect­ion
From the grave though sealed with stone!
This Your vic­to­ry ov­er death, Lord,
Gives us pro­mise for our own.

And re­call­ing Your as­cen­sion,
We en­treat You and im­plore
That You soon re­turn and take us
To be with You ev­er­more!
Send Your Spir­it to be with us
As we pil­grim through this life.
Keep your church and all our loved ones
From all ev­il and all strife.

With the saints and with the an­gels
We are long­ing, Lord, to be,
Where with praise and ado­ra­tion,
Our Re­deem­er we shall see.
Through and with and in Christ Je­sus,
In the Spir­it’s uni­ty,
Be all hon­or to the Fa­ther
Now and through eter­ni­ty!