Scripture Verse

Ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels. Hebrews 12:22


Marcus L. Williams (1843–1914)

Words & Mu­sic: Mar­cus L. Will­iams, in New Songs of Praise, ed­it­ed by Al­fred E. Hel­ton et al. (Len­oir, North Ca­ro­li­na: Teach­ers’ Mu­sic Pub­lish­ing, 1913), num­ber 2 (🔊 pdf nwc). The book states Will­iams was liv­ing in De­ca­tur, Mis­sis­sip­pi, when this song was pub­lished.


There’s a ci­ty bright and fair,
Peace and glo­ry wait­ing there
In the bless­èd hap­py land far on high;
Soon that ci­ty we shall view
With the faith­ful and the true,
And with them we’ll ev­er sing by and by.


Home at last, home at last,
We shall praise the Lord with an­gels so fair;
Home at last, home at last,
All the won­drous joys of Hea­ven to share.

There we’ll walk the gold­en streets
While each tongue God’s praise re­peats,
And we’ll dwell in per­fect bliss ev­er­more;
With our loved ones we shall be
Throughout all eter­ni­ty,
For all part­ing and all pain will be o’er.


Ever up­ward let us move,
Wafted on the wings of love,
Watching, wait­ing for the Lord till He come;
Then we shall His face be­hold,
And with rap­ture ne­ver told,
Sing for­ev­er of His love safe at home.
