According unto the multitude of Thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
Psalm 51:1
Words: Thomas Hastings, The Mother’s Hymn-Book, 1834, number 99.
Music: Dennis Hans G. Nägeli (1773–1836). Arranged by Lowell Mason in The Psaltery, 1845 (🔊
How tender is Thy hand,
O Thou most gracious Lord!
Afflictions came at Thy command,
And left us at Thy word.
How gentle was the rod
That chastened us for sin!
How soon we found a smiling God
Where deep distress had been.
A father’s hand we felt,
A father’s love we knew;
’Mid tears of penitence we knelt,
And found His promise true.
We told Him all our grief,
We thought of Jesus’ love;
A sense of pardon brought relief,
And bade our pains remove.
Now will we bless the Lord,
And in His strength confide;
Forever be His name adored,
For there is none beside.