Whosoever heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
Matthew 7:24–25
Words: Fanny Crosby, in The Golden Censer, by William Bradbury (New York: William B. Bradbury and Ivison, Phinney & Blakeman, 1864), page 72.
Music: William B. Bradbury (🔊
Oh, if my house is built upon a rock,
I know it will stand forever;
The floods may come,
And the rolling thunder’s shock,
May beat upon my house
That is founded on a rock,
But it never will fall, never will fall,
Never, never, never.
My rock is firm, it is my sure foundation,
’Tis Jesus Christ, my loving Savior,
Jesus Christ, my loving Savior,
The rock of my salvation,
The rock of my salvation.
For He whose word is lasting as the hills,
Whose truth is unchanging ever,
Hath said my house
On the solid rock shall stand,
He’ll hold it by His might
In the hollow of His hand,
And it never will fall, never will fall,
Never, never, never.
Oh, if my house is built upon the sand,
’Twill fall when the floods are swelling;
The winds will blow,
And the tempest will descend
And beat upon my house
That is built upon the sand,
And surely it will fall—never to rise,
Never, never, never.
Then let my house be built upon a rock,
For there it will stand forever;
The floods may come,
And the rolling thunder’s shock
May beat upon my house
That is founded on a rock,
But it never will fall, never will fall,
Never, never, never.