Scripture Verse

This is My body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of Me. Luke 22:19


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Hymns and Spi­ri­tu­al Songs 1707–09, Book 2, num­ber 25. Di­vine glor­ies and our gra­ces.

Music: St. Ste­phen Will­iam Jones, 1789 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Jones (1726–1800)
National Portrait Gallery



How are Thy glo­ries here dis­played!
Great God, how bright they shine,
While at Thy word we break the bread,
And pour the flow­ing wine.

Here Thy re­veng­ing jus­tice stands,
And pleads its dread­ful cause;
Here sav­ing mer­cy spreads her hands
Like Je­sus on the cross.

Thy saints at­tend with eve­ry grace
On this great sac­ri­fice;
And love app­ears with cheer­ful face,
And faith with fix­èd eyes.

Our hope in wait­ing pos­ture sits,
To Heav’n di­rects her sight;
Here ev­ery warm­er pas­sion meets,
And warm­er pow­ers unite.

Zeal and re­venge per­form their part,
And ris­ing sin de­stroy;
Repentance comes with ach­ing heart,
Yet not for­bids the joy.

Dear Sav­ior, change our faith to sight;
Let sin for ev­er die;
Then shall our souls be all de­light,
And ev­ery tear be dry.