Worship the Lord your God, and His blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you.
Exodus 23:25
Words: Anonymous, in The Mother’s Hymn Book, edited by Thomas Hastings (New York: Ezra Collier, 1836), number 80, alt.
Music: Ben Avon George C. Stebbins, 1912 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Alternate Tune:
If know the author,
How frail are these bodies of clay!
How soon all their vigor is lost!
They flourish in beauty today,
Tomorrow they mingle in dust.
So flow’rs in the morning may rise,
Unfolding their leaves to the sun;
The breath of each zephyr that sighs,
May blast them, and soon they are gone.
Afflictions spring not from the ground,
Diseases our sovereign obey;
His hand, it can heal every wound,
Or fill us with death and dismay.
We lie in Thy sovereign control,
O Lord, in this hour of distress;
Physician of body and soul,
Send down Thy recovering grace.
Oh! speak, and the dear one shall live,
Jehovah, almighty to save!
Thy voice e’en the dead shall revive,
And triumph at last o’er the grave.