If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Words: Attributed to John Newton (1725–1807). Appeared in The Baptist Harp (Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1849), number 536.
Music: Melmore William C. Martin (1864–1914) (🔊
How long hath God bestowed His care
On this indulged, ungrateful land!
How oft in times of danger near,
Preserved us by His sovereign hand!
Here peace and liberty have dwelt,
The glorious Gospel brightly shone;
And oft our mightiest foes have felt
That God hath made our cause His own.
But, ah! both Heav’n and earth have heard
Our vile requital of His love;
We, whom like children He has reared,
For all His care unthankful prove.
See! He uplifts His chastening rod!
O, where are now the faithful few,
Who tremble for the ark of God,
And know what Israel ought to do?
Lord, hear Thy people everywhere,
Who meet this day to weep and pray;
Our sinful land in mercy spare,
In mercy turn Thy wrath away!