Every man heard them speak in his own language.
Acts 2:6
Words: Thomas Kelly, Hymns Not Before Published (Dublin: Thomas Johnston, 1815), number 39, alt.
Music: Arizona Robert H. Earnshaw, in The Book of Praise (Toronto, Ontario: Oxford University Press, 1918) (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Earnshaw (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
How many things combine to show,
The joyful day is near at hand,
When truth shall spread and sinners know
The Savior’s name in every land.
When did the friends of truth unite,
With so much zeal as now they do;
To spread abroad its glorious light,
And bring its excellence to view?
Mark how in this auspicious time,
The promised day by prophets sung,
The people hear, of every clime,
The Gospel in their native tongue.
It runs, it flies through every land;
We mark its progress with delight,
And bless His name, at whose command,
A day has ris’n, so fair, so bright.
Nor should His people give Him rest,
Or cease their earnest cry to raise,
Until Jerusalem be blest,
And through the earth become a praise.