Scripture Verse

How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? Hebrews 2:3


Words & Mu­sic: James Mc­Gra­na­han, in Gos­pel Hymns No. 5, by Ira D. San­key et al. (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1887), num­ber 112 (🔊 pdf nwc).

James McGranahan



God loved a world of sin­ners,
For them He gave His Son;
And who­so­e’er re­ceives Him,
He saves them, ev­ery one.
He came to bring sal­va­tion,
To bear our sins away,
That we with Him in glo­ry
Might live thro’ end­less day.


How shall we es­cape
If we ne­glect so great sal­va­tion?
How shall we es­cape
If we ne­glect so great sal­va­tion,
Neglect so great sal­va­tion?

Behold the bleed­ing Sav­ior
Upon the cru­el tree—
The Just, con­demned, for­sak­en—
He dies for you and me;
The Son of God, be­lov­èd,
For us a curse was made;
That we might have re­demp­tion,
The aw­ful price He paid.


God loves the vil­est sin­ner,
But hates the small­est sin;
Then who shall see His king­dom?
Or who can en­ter in?
The pre­cious blood of Je­sus—
Let ev­ery crea­ture know—
Can make the chief of sin­ners
Full whit­er than the snow.


Return to God, O wan­d’rer,
Thy pur­chased par­don take;
Thy sins He’ll not re­mem­ber,
For thy Re­deem­er’s sake;
He’ll cast them all be­hind Him,
Or ’neath the deep­est sea,
And love us ev­er free­ly,
Throughout eter­ni­ty.
