Scripture Verse

He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him. Ephesians 1:4


Augustus M. Toplady
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Au­gus­tus M. Top­la­dy, in the Gos­pel Ma­ga­zine, 1774.

Music: St. Mat­thew Will­iam Croft, 1708 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Croft (1678–1727)


How vast the be­ne­fits di­vine which we in Christ pos­sess!
We are re­deemed from guilt and shame and called to ho­li­ness.
But not for works which we have done, or shall here­af­ter do,
Hath God de­creed on sin­ful men sal­va­tion to be­stow.

The glo­ry, Lord, from first to last, is due to Thee alone;
Aught to our­selves we dare not take, or rob Thee of Thy crown.
Our glo­ri­ous Su­re­ty un­der­took to sa­tis­fy for man,
And grace was giv­en us in Him be­fore the world be­gan.

This is Thy will, that in Thy love we ev­er should abide;
That earth and hell should not pre­vail to turn Thy Word aside.
Not one of all the chos­en race but shall to Heav’n at­tain,
Partake on earth the pur­posed grace and then with Je­sus reign.