Scripture Verse

When they were come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down, and worshipped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. Matthew 2:11


Words: Ba­sil Woodd, cir­ca 1810.

Music: O Durch­brech­er Neu­es geist­reich­es Ge­sang­buch (Hal­le, Ger­ma­ny: 1704) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Basil Woodd (1760–1831)


Hail, Thou source of ev­ery bless­ing,
Sovereign Fa­ther of man­kind!
Gentiles now, Thy grace pos­sess­ing,
In Thy courts ad­mis­sion find.
Grateful now we fall be­fore Thee,
In Thy Church ob­tain a place,
Now by faith be­hold Thy glo­ry,
Praise Thy truth, ad­ore Thy grace.

Once far off, but now in­vit­ed,
We ap­proach Thy sac­red throne;
In Thy co­ve­nant unit­ed,
Reconciled, re­deemed, made one.
Now re­vealed to east­ern sag­es,
See the star of mer­cy shine;
Mystery hid in for­mer ages,
Mystery great of love di­vine.

Hail, Thou all-in­vit­ing Sav­ior!
Gentiles now their of­fer­ings bring;
In Thy tem­ple seek Thy fa­vor,
Jesus Christ, our Lord and king.
May we, body, soul, and spir­it,
Live de­vot­ed to Thy praise,
Glorious realms of bliss in­her­it,
Grateful an­thems ev­er raise!