Scripture Verse

Christ Jesus…being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Philippians 2:5–8


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems (Lon­don: Stra­han, 1739), page 165.

Music: Ban­gor (To­ron­to) Me­tho­dist Hymn and Tune Book (To­ron­to, Ca­na­da: Me­tho­dist Book and Publ­ish­ing House, 1894), num­ber 199 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Arise, my soul, arise
Thy Sav­ior’s sac­ri­fice!
All the names that love could find,
All the forms that love could take
Jesus in Him­self has joined,
Thee, my soul, His own to make.

Equal with God, most high,
He laid His glo­ry by:
He, th’eter­nal God was born,
Man with men He deigned t’ap­pear,
Object of His creature’s scorn,
Pleased a ser­vant’s form to wear.

Hail ev­er­last­ing Lord,
Divine, incar­nate Word!
Thee let all my pow­ers confess,
Thee my lat­est breath pro­claim;
Help, ye an­gel choirs, to bless,
Shout the loved Im­ma­nu­el’s name.

Fruit of a vir­gin’s womb
The pro­mised bless­ing’s come:
Christ the fa­thers’ hope of old,
Christ the wo­man’s con­quer­ing seed,
Christ the Sav­ior! Long fore­told,
Born to bruise the ser­pent’s head.

Refulgent from afar
See the bright Morn­ing-Star!
See the Day-Spring from on high
Late in deep­est dark­ness rise,
Night re­cedes, the sha­dows fly,
Flame with day the op­en­ing skies!

Our eyes on earth sur­vey
The dazz­ling She­chi­nah!
Bright, in end­less glo­ry bright
Now in flesh He stoops to dwell,
God of God, and light of light,
Image of th’in­vi­si­ble.

He shines on earth adored
The pre­sence of the Lord;
God, the migh­ty God and true,
God by high­est Heav’n con­fessed,
Stands dis­played to mor­tal view,
God su­preme, for ev­er blest.

Jesu! To Thee I bow
Th’Almigh­ty’s fel­low Thou!
Thou, the Fa­ther’s on­ly Son,
Pleased He ev­er is in Thee;
Just and ho­ly Thou alone,
Full of grace and truth for me.

High above ev­ery name
Jesus, the great I AM!
Bows to Je­sus ev­ery knee
Things in Heav’n, and earth and hell;
Saints ad­ore Him, de­mons flee,
Fiends and men and an­gels feel.

He left His throne above
Emptied of all, but love:
Whom the heav’ns can­not con­tain
God vouch­safed a worm t’ap­pear,
Lord of glo­ry, Son of man,
Poor, and vile, and ab­ject here.

His own on earth He sought,
His own re­ceived Him not:
Him, a sign by all blas­phemed,
Outcast and des­pised of men,
Him they all a mad­man deemed,
Bold to scoff the Na­za­rene.

Hail Ga­li­le­an King!
Thy hum­ble state I sing;
Never shall Thy tri­umphs end,
Hail de­rid­ed ma­jes­ty;
Jesus, hail! The sin­ner’s friend,
Friend of pub­li­cans—and me!

Thine eye ob­served my pain
Thou good Sa­ma­ri­tan!
Spoiled I lay and bruised by sin,
Gasped my faint, ex­pir­ing soul,
Wine and oil Thy love poured in,
Closed my wounds, and made me whole.

Hail the life-giv­ing Lord,
Divine, en­graft­ed word!
Thee the life my soul has found,
Thee the re­sur­rect­ion proved:
Dead I heard the quick­en­ing sound,
Owned Thy voice, be­lieved, and loved!

With Thee gone up on high
I live, no more to die:
First and Last, I feel Thee now,
Witness of Thy emp­ty tomb,
Alpha and Ome­ga Thou
Wast, and art, and art to come!