Scripture Verse

Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Revelation 2:10


Words & Mu­sic: Chet­wynd S. & T. P. Ham­il­ton, 1900 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Chet­wynd or T. P. Ham­il­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


When I first found Je­sus,
Something o’er me stole,
Like light­ning it went through me,
And glo­ry filled my soul;
Salvation made me hap­py,
And took my fears away,
And when I meet old Sa­tan,
To him I al­ways say:


I am de­ter­mined to hold out to the end,
Jesus is with me, on Him I can de­pend;
And I know I have sal­va­tion,
For I feel it in my soul;
I am de­ter­mined to hold out to the end.

Satan, he was an­gry,
Said he’d soon be back:
Just let the path get nar­row,
And he will lose the track
But I’m so full of glo­ry,
My Lord I al­ways find,
And I just say to Sa­tan,
Old man, get thee be­hind.


This old-time re­li­gion
Makes me some­times shout,
I don’t have time to gos­sip,
Nor any time to pout;
They say that I’m too noi­sy,
But when these bless­ings flow,
I shout, O hal­le­lu­jah,
I want the world to know.


When I hear the trum­pet
Sounding in the sky,
And see the mount­ains trem­bling,
To Hea­ven I will fly;
For Je­sus will be call­ing,
There’ll be no time to mend,
With joy I’ll go up sing­ing,
I’ve held out to the end.
