Scripture Verse

A freewill offering of thine hand, which thou shalt give unto the Lord. Deuteronomy 16:10


Evangeline C. Booth (1865–1950)

Words & Mu­sic: Ev­an­gel­ine C. Booth, Songs of the Ev­an­gel 1927 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Origin of the Hymn

Out of the pur­ple sha­dows of the Bor­der­land God had called me back to life and ser­vice. I re­mem­ber some­thing of those days dur­ing which, se­mi-con­scious, I ho­vered bet­ween two worlds.

I had suf­fered so ter­ri­bly and so long, and was brok­en in every fibre of my being.

But as my blood quick­ened, as my eyes be­gan to clear, and the fra­grance of the love­ly Spring breathed up­on me through the open win­dow, the pre­cious re­al­ity of life was ve­ri­fied to me.

Again to speak for Him, again to live for Him, again to win lost souls for Him! The price­less­ness of that trea­sure ov­er­whelmed me!

With fin­gers that trem­bled I made my first ef­fort up­on the strings of my be­loved harp, and the new con­se­cra­tion of my ev­ery fa­cul­ty crys­tal­lized in the song: ‘I Bring Thee All.’


Father of love, of jus­tice and of mer­cy,
Thou art the dawn, the star at ev­en­tide;
Show Thou Thy face, and light my way to Cal­v’ry,
There all my sins in Thee to hide.
I bring Thee all my sins,
None can for­give but Thee.


I bring Thee all, I bring Thee all;
O, give Thy­self to me, I bring Thee all.

O Thou, of whom the heav’ns are but a sym­bol,
Be Thou the sun that draws my heart to Thee;
Be Thou the light the stars at night do kin­dle,
Thy love is more than all to me.
I bring Thee all my heart,
None do I love like Thee.


O Man of Sor­rows, pray­ing in the garden,
Thy sweat as blood falls down up­on the ground.
In that dark ago­ny my sins are par­doned;
My so­lace in Thy grief is found.
I bring Thee all my tears,
None can con­sole like Thee.
