Scripture Verse

The love of Christ…passeth knowledge. Ephesians 3:19


Words: Le­lia N. Mor­ris, 1896.

Music: Mon­te­ci­to Le­lia N. Mor­ris, 1896 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lelia N. Morris (1862–1929)



Oh, I can’t tell it all, of the won­der­ful love,
How when lost in my sins Je­sus found me,
With a heart full of love,
How He came from above,
Threw His strong arms of mer­cy around me.


Oh, I can’t tell it all, no, I can’t tell it all,
For my heart is so full of His glo­ry;
And wher­e’er I may roam,
’Tis my joy to make known,
Unto oth­ers, the won­der­ful sto­ry.

Oh, I can’t tell it all, how He free­ly for­gave;
How the blood flowed with won­der­ful heal­ing
O’er my lost, guil­ty soul,
How it cleansed and made whole,
While low at the cross I was kneel­ing.


Oh, I can’t tell it all, what a friend He has been;
How He’s borne all my sor­rows and sad­ness,
How he saves me to­day,
Bids the mists clear away,
How He turns all my mourn­ing to glad­ness.
