Scripture Verse

Heaven and earth will pass away. Matthew 24:35


Words & Mu­sic: James B. Pen­ning­ton, in Songs of Re­deem­ing Love, by James H. Rue­bush et al. (Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia: Rue­bush-Kief­fer, 1915), num­ber 40 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pen­ning­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


In God’s Word it is re­cord­ed
That this world will not en­dure;
Then while time is yet af­ford­ed
Make your hope of Hea­ven sure;
For the stars, be­fore the morn­ing,
From their or­bits may be hurled,
And the moon may send a warn­ing
That to­night will end the world.


If to­night should end the world,
If to­night should end the world,
Would your soul adrift be driv­en?
Or would you set sail for Hea­ven,
If to­night should end the world?

O’er this quest­ion do you pon­der,
As the days pass swift­ly by?
Have you gained an in­ter­est yon­der,
Where the soul will ne­ver die?
If the last trump should be sound­ed,
And the blood stained ban­ner furled,
Would it bring you grief un­bound­ed
If to­night should end the world?


See the hands once torn and bleed­ing
On the cross of Cal­va­ry,
Reaching out with gen­tle plead­ing;
Oh, poor sin­ner, ’tis for thee;
Come, ac­cept this great sal­va­tion,
Ere to judg­ment you are hurled;
Slight you not this in­vi­ta­tion,
For to­night may end the world.
