Scripture Verse

They went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to the disciples, Sit here while I pray. Mark 14:32


Words & Mu­sic: Sam­uel E. Reed, 1912 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Samuel E. Reed (1879–1959)


Christ in Gethsemane
Carl H. Bloch, 1873

Oh, what won­drous love I see,
Freely shown for you and me,
By the One who did atone!
Just to show His match­less grace,
Jesus suf­fered for the race,
In Geth­se­ma­ne, alone.


Oh, what love, match­less love,
Oh, what love for me was shown!
His for­ev­er I will be,
For the love He gave to me,
When He suf­fered all alone.

Tarry here, He told the three,
Tarry here and watch for Me,
But they heard no bit­ter moan;
For the three dis­ci­ples slept
While my lov­ing Sav­ior wept
In Geth­se­ma­ne, alone.


Long in ang­uish deep was He,
Weeping there for you and me,
For our sin to Him was known;
We should love Him ev­er­more
For the ang­uish that He bore
In Geth­se­ma­ne, alone.
