Scripture Verse

Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7


Josiah Carley (1996–)

Words & Mu­sic: Jo­si­ah Car­ley, 2011 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Origin of the Song

Laden with cares and per­plex­ities, I made my way to a qui­et, se­clud­ed spot on a near­by mount­ain. There I laid all my trou­bles, bur­dens, and fears by faith up­on Je­sus, the com­pas­sion­ate Bur­den-bear­er. As I re­turned down the mount­ain trail, my light­ened heart be­gan sing­ing a tune, and a song pro­ceed­ed from my mouth: I have gi­ven my cares to Je­sus, and He took them from my hand… A few hours lat­er I wrote the tune down, and penned the words.


I have giv­en my cares to Je­sus,
And He took them from my hand;
On the al­tar of sur­ren­der—
There I left them, where He stands.


What as­sur­ance! what a pri­vi­lege!
What sal­va­tion, full and grand!
He has lifted ev’ry bur­den,
Soothed and helped me with His hand.

I have giv­en my cares to Je­sus;
Greatest joy and peace is mine;
Now I know the bless­èd pro­mise,
Of His sav­ing grace di­vine.


I have giv­en my cares to Je­sus,
When the storms up­on me pressed,
And He gave me His sal­va­tion,
Steadfast re­fuge, per­fect rest.


I have giv­en my cares to Je­sus;
Childlike trust He did im­part;
Never did a song so joy­ful
Ring as now with­in my heart.


I have giv­en my cares to Je­sus;
Now I know that all is well;
On I go to be His wit­ness,
Of His love to ev­er tell.
