Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.
Isaiah 55:6
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1901. Some hymnals give the author as Grace Frances, one of Fanny’s pseudonyms.
Music: Mishael Hubert P. Main (🔊
I hear a loving voice that calls me o’er and o’er
That bids me lay my burden down, and rest forevermore.
I hear a loving voice, ’tis Thine, O Lamb of God,
Who from the cradle to the cross the path of sorrow trod.
I hear Thy warning voice; O let me not delay;
I must be saved by Thee alone, there is no other way;
Thy Word my only plea, I come without a fear;
I seek thee while Thou canst be found, and call while Thou art near.
O, patient, loving voice! O firm, abiding Friend,
I now accept Thy offered grace: Lord, keep me to the end.
My soul with rapture filled, Thy wonders shall proclaim;
My tongue shall sing Thy righteousness, my life confess Thy name.