Scripture Verse

Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth. 1 Samuel 3:9


Marion F. Ham (1867–1956)

Words: Ma­ri­on F. Ham, 1912.

Music: Con­so­la­tion (Men­dels­sohn) ar­ranged from Lied­er oh­ne Wor­te, by Fe­lix Men­dels­sohn, 1834 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Felix Mendelssohn


I hear Thy voice, with­in the si­lence speak­ing;
Above earth’s din it ris­es, calm and clear;
Whatever goal my way­ward will is seek­ing,
Its whis­pered mes­sage tells me Thou art near.

When ev­il reigns, life’s dark­er depths re­veal­ing,
And all the good seem sad­ly marred by wrong,
Amidst the dis­cord, like sweet mu­sic steal­ing,
Thy voice, abid­ing, fills my soul with song.

O liv­ing voice, with­in the si­lence call­ing,
My spir­it an­swers, where­so­e’er I roam;
Through life’s brief day still keep my feet from fall­ing,
And lead me, through the ev­en­ing sha­dows, home.