Scripture Verse

I know that my Redeemer lives. Job 19:25


J. Lincoln Hall (1866–1930)

Words: Sa­la­thi­el C. Kirk, 1902.

Music: Bo­dø J. Lin­coln Hall, 1902 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Salathiel C. Kirk (1845–1913)


The works and ways of God on high
I can­not solve—I do not try;
But, tho’ I can­not these unfold,
One thing I know—to this I’ll hold
Tho’ all the world be­sides de­ny—
A sin­ner saved by grace am I.


I can­not tell you why, nor how,
For O I do not un­der­stand;
I on­ly say, I know! I know!
On this un­shak­en ground I stand.

I know that my Re­deem­er lives;
I know, I know that He for­gives;
I know that I who once was dead
Am now al­ive in Christ, my head!
Let all the world be­sides de­ny
I know I live! shall be my cry.


How, at His word, the dark­ness flies,
And beams of sun­light flood my eyes,
I do not know; enough for me
That I who once was blind now see!
Let all the world be­sides de­ny
I know I see! shall be my cry.


Beyond this mor­tal vale there stands
A house for me not made with hands;
E’en now I see be­yond the dome,
And oc­cu­py my heav’n­ly home.
Let all the world be­sides de­ny
I know I have a home on high.
