Scripture Verse

If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. Matthew 16:24


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1890. Pub­lished in Res­cue Songs, com­piled by Hen­ry H. Had­ley, 1896. This book says the song was sug­gest­ed by the per­son­al tes­ti­mo­ny of Had­ley, who was con­vert­ed July 28, 1886, at the Jer­ry Mc­Au­ley Wa­ter Street Mis­sion, New York Ci­ty.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


Jerry Mc­Au­ley, for ma­ny years, was one of the most wide­ly known men in New York. It was in his own mis­sion in Wa­ter Street that I first met him; but the sto­ry of his life, how he had been a thief, a drunk­ard and a tho­rough­ly des­per­ate man, was fa­mil­iar to me, and I was deep­ly in­ter­est­ed in him be­cause of the work of grace wrought at his con­ver­sion.

As a speak­er he used sim­ple lan­guage, but his man­ner was so im­press­ive that all men were drawn to­ward him. He and his faith­ful wife toiled and planned and sac­ri­ficed to give the old Wa­ter Street Mis­sion a start. Not long af­ter my first visit with them, they were in­stru­ment­al in found­ing the Cre­morne Mis­sion on West Thirty-Se­cond Street.

Crosby, p. 37


I longed to be a child of God,
And do my Sav­ior’s will;
And yet the sin that most I feared,
I knew un­con­quered still.
Dear Lord, I said, for as I knelt
I saw Him on the tree—
This hea­vy bur­den on my heart,
I’ll glad­ly bear for Thee.


So now for Him who died for me,
I’m will­ing all to bear
Obedient love will ne­ver fail,
To bring the an­swered pray­er.

The cold was lift­ed from my soul,
My bur­den rolled away;
The light of joy around me shed,
A calm and hea­ven­ly ray.
Dear Lord, I said, I praise Thy name
For Thy rich grace to me;
My load is gone and now I rest,
In per­fect peace with Thee.


I heard a gen­tle voice with­in
A whis­per soft and mild;
Thy sin was can­celed by His blood,
Who owns thee for His child.

Dear Lord, I said, the work is Thine,
And Thine the glo­ry be.
My life, my soul, my every pow’r,
I con­se­crate to Thee.
