Scripture Verse

God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Words & Mu­sic: Tho­mas J. La­ney, 1914. Af­ter suf­fer­ing a life threat­en­ing ill­ness, La­ney wrote the song up­on hear­ing a ser­mon by the elo­quent S. L. Pru­ett dur­ing the great re­viv­al at the [Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal] Church, Eu­la­ton [Ala­ba­ma], Au­gust, 1914 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas J. Laney (1878–1953)


’Tis a sweet and glo­ri­ous thought
That comes to me,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on;
Jesus saved my soul
From death, and now I’m free,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on.


I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on.
Thru eter­ni­ty I’ll live on;
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on,
Thru eter­ni­ty I’ll live on.

When my bo­dy’s slum­ber­ing
In the cold, cold clay,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on;
There to sleep in Je­sus
Till the judg­ment day,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on.


When the world’s on fire
And dark­ness veils the sun,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on;
Men will cry and to
The rocks and mount­ains run,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on.


In the glo­ry-land,
With Je­sus on the throne,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on;
Thru eter­nal ag­es
Singing, home, sweet home,
I’ll live on, yes, I’ll live on.
