Scripture Verse

Look to the Lord and His strength. Psalm 105:4


Joseph Summers (1839–1917)

Words: Sam­uel Long­fel­low, Hymns of the Spir­it 1864.

Music: Pal­my­ra Jo­seph Sum­mers, 1863 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Samuel Longfellow


In a ve­ry real sense I Look to Thee in Ev­ery Need is au­to­bio­graph­ic­al. It grew out of the au­thor’s ca­reer, which was check­ered by ill health and cre­at­ed the need for com­fort and strength.

The hymn voic­es the au­thor’s trust in God. Of his ma­ny beaut­iful hymns this was his fa­vo­rite. In it he lived, worked, and prayed. He re­peat­ed it to him­self be­fore drop­ping asleep. With it on his lips he be­gan the day, and it was not unu­su­al to hear him hum it on the street.

Laufer, p. 68


I look to Thee in ev­ery need,
And ne­ver look in vain;
I feel Thy strong and ten­der love,
And all is well again.
The thought of Thee is migh­ti­er far
Than sin and pain and sor­row are.

Discouraged in the work of life,
Disheartened by its load,
Shamed by its fail­ures or its fears,
I sink be­side the road.
But let me on­ly think of Thee
And then new heart springs up in me.

Thy calm­ness bends se­rene above,
My rest­less­ness to still;
Around me flows Thy quick­en­ing life,
To nerve my fal­ter­ing will.
Thy pre­sence fills my so­li­tude,
Thy pro­vi­dence turns all to good.

Enfolded deep in Thy dear love,
Held in Thy law, I stand;
Thy hand in all things I be­hold,
And all things in Thy hand.
Thou lead­est me by un­sought ways,
And turn my mourn­ing in­to praise.