Scripture Verse

Jesus Christ…loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood. Revelation 1:5


Words: Ca­det Boles, 1895.

Music: War­ren Col­lins (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Boles or Col­lins (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I’m hap­py now my sins are gone,
They’ve all been washed away;
The Sav­ior washed me in His blood
That flowed on Cal­va­ry.


I do be­lieve, I now be­lieve,
That Je­sus died to save my soul;
I do be­lieve, I now be­lieve,
That Je­sus makes me whole.

I once was down in Egypt’s land—
A land of sin and woe—
But I have reached the pro­mised land,
Where milk and hon­ey flow.


Praise God! just now my ti­tle’s clear
To man­sions in the skies,
And I shall dwell with Him above,
Where plea­sure ne­ver dies.


Now sin­ner, won’t you come to Him
Who died on Cal­va­ry?
He’ll wash away your ev­ery sin,
Set you at lib­er­ty.
