Scripture Verse

Cast all your care on Him, for He cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7


Elisha A. Hoffman (1839–1929)

Words & Mu­sic: Eli­sha A. Hoff­man, 1893 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Origin of the Song

There was a wo­man to whom God had per­mit­ted many vi­si­ta­tions of sor­row and af­flic­tion. Com­ing to her home one day, I found her much dis­cour­aged. She un­bur­dened her heart, con­clud­ing with the ques­tion, Brother Hoff­man, what shall I do? I quot­ed from the word, then add­ed, You can­not do bet­ter than to take all of your sor­rows to Je­sus. You must tell Je­sus.

For a mo­ment she seemed lost in me­di­ta­tion. Then her eyes light­ed as she ex­claimed, Yes, I must tell Je­sus. As I left her home I had a vi­sion of that joy-il­lum­in­at­ed face…and I heard all along my path­way the ec­ho, I must tell Je­sus. I must tell Je­sus.

Hoffman wrote these words af­ter reach­ing home.


I must tell Je­sus all of my tr­ials;
I can­not bear these bur­dens alone;
In my dis­tress He kind­ly will help me;
He ever loves and cares for His own.


I must tell Je­sus! I must tell Je­sus!
I can­not bear my bur­dens alone;
I must tell Je­sus! I must tell Je­sus!
Jesus can help me, Je­sus alone.

I must tell Je­sus all of my trou­bles;
He is a kind, com­pas­sion­ate friend;
If I but ask Him, He will de­li­ver,
Make of my trou­bles quick­ly an end.


Tempted and tried, I need a great Sav­ior;
One who can help my bur­dens to bear;
I must tell Je­sus, I must tell Je­sus;
He all my cares and sor­rows will share.


O how the world to ev­il al­lures me!
O how my heart is tempt­ed to sin!
I must tell Je­sus, and He will help me
Over the world the vic­to­ry to win.
