He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1
Words: John Newton, Olney Hymns (London: W. Oliver, 1779), Book 1, number 47. The believer’s safety.
Music: Paris Michael Lonneke, 2005 (🔊
). The composer grants permission to reproduce the music for Christian use.
Alternate Tunes:
Incarnate God! the soul that knows
Thy name’s mysterious power
Shall dwell in undisturbed repose,
Nor fear the trying hour.
Thy wisdom, faithfulness and love,
To feeble, helpless worms
A buckler and a refuge prove,
From enemies and storms.
In vain the fowler spreads his net,
To draw them from Thy care;
Thy timely call instructs their feet
To shun the artful snare.
When like a baneful pestilence
Sin mows its thousands down
On every side, without defense,
Thy grace secures Thine own.
No midnight terrors haunt their bed,
No arrow wounds by day;
Unhurt on serpents they shall tread,
If found in duty’s way.
Angels, unseen, attend the saints
And bear them in their arms,
To cheer the spirit when it faints,
And guard the life from harms.
The angels’ Lord, Himself is nigh,
To them that love His name,
Ready to save them when they cry,
And put their foes to shame.
Crosses and changes are their lot,
Long as they sojourn here;
But since their Savior changes not,
What have the saints to fear?