Scripture Verse

You are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26


Robert E. W. Cottrill (1941–2019)

Words: Ro­bert E. Cot­trill, cir­ca 1985.

Music: New­mar­ket Ro­bert E. W. Cot­trill, cir­ca 1985 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Cottrill was serv­ing Grace Church in New­mar­ket, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da, in the area of Chris­tian edu­ca­tion and mu­sic. The sen­ior pas­tor used to have the con­gre­ga­tion sing the chor­us of the song I’m Glad I’m a Part of the Fa­mi­ly of God. One day, seek­ing va­ri­ety, he asked, Bob, could you write us some­thing on the same theme that we could use? This hymn is the result.


We’re thank­ful for the fa­mi­ly—the fa­mi­ly of God.
Come join with us to wor­ship Him and sound His praise abroad.
There’s free­dom in His love, to share our joys and bur­dens, too.
And there’s a spe­cial place with­in the fa­mi­ly for you.

O Lord, unite us now as one, to ma­gni­fy Your Name;
To praise You for Your faith­ful­ness, eter­nal­ly the same:
We bless the light of sav­ing grace shed on us from above,
By which we are a fa­mi­ly—Your fa­mi­ly of love.