You are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:26
Words: Robert E. Cottrill, circa 1985.
Music: Newmarket Robert E. W. Cottrill, circa 1985 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Cottrill was serving Grace Church in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, in the area of Christian education and music. The senior pastor used to have the congregation sing the chorus of the song I’m Glad I’m a Part of the Family of God. One day, seeking variety, he asked, Bob, could you write us something on the same theme that we could use?
This hymn is the result.
Words & music © 1985 Robert E. W. Cottrill
The author grants permission to use this hymn for Christian worship, as long as
it is not altered in any way, and this copyright notice is included in any printed version.
We’re thankful for the family—the family of God.
Come join with us to worship Him and sound His praise abroad.
There’s freedom in His love, to share our joys and burdens, too.
And there’s a special place within the family for you.
O Lord, unite us now as one, to magnify Your Name;
To praise You for Your faithfulness, eternally the same:
We bless the light of saving grace shed on us from above,
By which we are a family—Your family of love.