Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet.
Judges 14:14
Words: Samuel Pearce (1766–1799).
Music: Chicago Ira D. Sankey (🔊 pdf nwc).
In the floods of tribulation,
While the billows o’er me roll;
Jesus whispers consolation,
And supports my fainting soul.
Thus the lion yields me honey;
From the eater food is giv’n;
Strengthened thus, I still press forward,
Singing as I wade to Heav’n:
Sweet affliction! sweet affliction,
That brings Jesus to my soul!
’Mid the gloom, the vivid lightnings
With increasèd brightness play;
’Mid the thorn brake, beauteous flowers
Look more beautiful and gay;
So in darkest dispensations,
Doth my faithful Lord appear,
With His richest consolations,
To reanimate and cheer:
Sweet affliction! sweet affliction,
Thus to bring my Savior near.
Floods of tribulation heighten,
Billows still around me roar;
Those who know not Christ—ye frighten;
But my soul defies your power.
In the sacred page recorded,
Thus His word securely stands—
Fear not, I’m in trouble near thee,
Naught shall pluck thee from My hands
Sweet affliction! sweet affliction,
That to words so sweet lays claim!
All I meet I find assist me
In my path to heav’nly joy;
Where, though trials now attend me,
Trials never more annoy;
Wearing there a crown of glory,
Still the path I’ll ne’er forget;
This shall be my pleasant story,
When arrived at Jesus’ seat:
Sweet affliction! Sweet affliction
Brought me to my Savior’s feet!