Scripture Verse

Heirs of the kingdom which [God] hath promised to them that love Him. James 2:5


Words: Lau­rene High­field, 1913.

Music: Ne­vis Z. T. Greene (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Greene’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or High­field,


There’s a land of light and glo­ry,
Just be­yond the pear­ly gates;
Where no grief or fear can en­ter,
Joy in all its full­ness waits.


In the hap­py home of love,
Blessèd pro­mis­es to prove;
We shall share the Sav­ior’s glo­ry,
In the heav’n­ly home above.

In that land no care will bur­den,
Jesus pro­mised us His peace;
In the glo­ry of His pre­sence,
Life and love shall ne­ver cease.


As we jour­ney t’ward its glad­ness,
Earthly ties by death are riv’n;
But still lead­ing up­ward, on­ward,
Hope and faith point us to Heav’n.


Joy and rap­ture are eter­nal,
Light im­mor­tal crowns the hills;
Those we love are ours for­ev­er,
This sweet pledge all doubt­ing stills.
