I will sing praises unto Thy name.
2 Samuel 22:50
Words: Ada J. Blenkhorn, in Golden Grain No. 2, by Alfred Beirly (Chicago, Illinois: A. Beirly, 1896), number 202.
Music: Maribor Alfred Beirly, 1896 (🔊
In hymns of praise your voices raise
To Him who reigns on high;
Whose counsels keep the mighty deep,
Who ruleth earth and sky.
Exalt His name in loud acclaim!
His mighty power adore!
And humbly bow before Him now,
Our king forevermore.
Beneath His hand, at His command,
The shining planets move;
To all below they daily show
His wisdom and His love.
The little flower that lasts an hour,
The sparrow in its fall;
They, too, shall share His tender care,
He made and loves them all.
Then sing again in lofty strain
To Him who dwells on high;
To prayers you raise, and songs of praise,
He sweetly will reply.