Scripture Verse

The heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. Joel 2:10


Reginald Heber (1783–1826)

Words: Reg­in­ald He­ber, in the Chris­tian Ob­serv­er, Oc­to­ber 1811.

Music: Gott sei dank, Neu­es geist­reich­es Ge­sang­buch, by Jo­hann A. Frey­ling­hau­sen (Hal­le, Ger­ma­ny: 1704) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Johann A. Freylinghausen


In the sun and moon and stars,
Signs and won­ders there shall be;
Earth shall quake with in­ward wars,
Nations with per­plex­ity.

Soon shall ocean’s hoa­ry deep,
Tossed with stran­ger tem­pests, rise;
Darker storms the mount­ain sweep;
Redder light­ning rend the skies.

Evil thoughts shall shake the proud,
Racking doubt and rest­less fear;
And, amid the thun­der cloud,
Shall the Judge of men ap­pear.

But though from that aw­ful face
Heav’n shall fade and earth shall fly,
Fear not ye, His chos­en race,
Your re­demp­tion draw­eth nigh!