Scripture Verse

Be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18


Ada R. Habershon (1861–1918)

Words: Ada R. Ha­ber­shon, 1910.

Music: Ro­bert Hark­ness (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert Harkness (1880–1961)


I need to be filled with the Spir­it,
Each mo­ment of ev­ery day,
I need to be filled in the morn­ing,
Ere start­ing up­on my way.


I need to be filled, Lord Je­sus,
I need to be filled each day;
I need to be filled with the Spir­it,
Each mo­ment along life’s way.

I need be to filled for the home life,
I need it for work out­side,
I need it alone in God’s pre­sence,
That I may in Him abide.


I need to be filled with the Spir­it,
To hear or to read His Word,
I need to be filled when by speak­ing,
I wit­ness for Christ my Lord.


I need it, and oh, I may have it,
For by His en­ab­ling pow­er,
The Spir­it whom He has once giv­en,
Can fill me this ve­ry hour.
