Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.
Micah 7:19
Words: Eliza E. Hewitt, 1905.
Music: W. Howard Doane, Precious Jewels of Sacred Song (Louisville, Kentucky: World Publishing, 1905), number 4 (🔊
Rejoice ye with singing who trust in the Lord:
Go tell His salvation with happy accord;
He saith in His mercy to you and to me,
Your sins shall be cast into the depths of the sea.
Into the sea, Calvary’s sea,
His love is an ocean, so boundless and free;
Into the sea, Calvary’s sea,
Our sins shall be cast into the depths of the sea.
O seek Him believing the word of His grace,
And find in the Savior, the light of His face;
There shineth His Gospel, the shadows will flee;
Our sins shall be cast into the depths of the sea.
The burden so heavy, at Calvary fell,
For Christ is our ransom, and now all is well;
Yea, broken the bondage, henceforth we are free;
Our sins shall be cast into the depths of the sea.
Then glad be our service; to give day by day,
Love’s willing allegiance to all He may say;
We’ll sing in His glory, there ever to be,
Our sins shall be cast into the depths of the sea.