Scripture Verse

The firstfruits of the Spirit. Romans 8:23


Words: Ed­ward W. Ed­dis (1825–1905).

Music: First Fruits (Paine) John K. P. Paine, in Hymns and Songs of Praise, ed­it­ed by Ros­well D. Hitch­cock, Za­cha­ry Ed­dy & Phi­lip Schaff (New York: A. S. Barnes, 1874) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ed­dis (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

John K. Paine (1839–1906)


In us the hope of glo­ry
O ris­en Lord, art Thou:
The first­fruits of the Spir­it
Are in us now;
Yet still in dust and ash­es
Before Thy throne we kneel;
And in our hearts is hid­den
Thy liv­ing seal.

The whole cre­ation groan­eth
In pri­son chains for Thee:
O rend the veil asun­der,
And set us free.
Raise up Thy ho­ly sleep­ers,
And change Thy saints on earth,
In all, as one, re­veal­ing,
The se­cond birth.

O come in all Thy glo­ry,
Our great Im­ma­nu­el;
Come forth, our Prince and Sav­ior,
With us to dwell.
Bring Thine eter­nal Sab­bath,
Bring Thine eter­nal day,
And cause all grief and sigh­ing,
To flee away.